June 2, 2001
Albany, NY
Pepsi Center(now Times Union Arena)
IEM/Audience matrix
(Bono IEM) recorded by NS (noahark2)
Lineage: Mono scanner > Sony MD Master > CD-R > WAV > FLAC
(Audience recording) recorded by?
Lineage: Sony TCD-D8 + Sonic Studios DSM-6S > DAT Master > CD-R > WAV > FLAC
Bono is definitely having vocal trouble and is clearly not feeling well at this show and asks the crowd to help him get through it several times. Not an awful show, but not a great one either. It is interesting to hear Bono get through a show when he is obviously sick. The IEM of this show was traded without consent a LONG time ago but still managed to stay somewhat uncirculated by some miracle. But it became known through a third party that it was being shopped for trades by a particular person without asking. She became known for doing this and similar types of things quite frequently. Based on the “source” of the SLC 01 soundboard recording this upload will make sense to those in the know. Again, thanks for the SLC soundboard upload! It is a very nice recording. The show was obviously traded quite heavily, even more than I thought by the source (makes you wonder how much jeopardy that Delta Center employee’s job was really in! ;) ). I’m sure some of you will bitch about this upload. Thanks! You make it easier to possibly not share anything further. To the rest of you, thanks for your support, maybe something else will get shared if things calm down and there is not the usual vocal minority bitching.
Too many IEMs from the 2010/11 tour are being uploaded drawing lots of attention all over for the 360 tour. May not happen but scrambled or encrypted IEM signals are a possibility as a result of that. U2’s crew have recently added the “fan cam” again which was used on Vertigo to basically bust tapers. You do the math. So we are not going to contribute to that kind of attention any further for now, especially 360 shows. We want to do what we can to ensure this type of recording can still be captured in the future and at least on the rest of this tour. Some people have way too many “demands” and are way too impatient on here also. It is just not worth it. If a true uncirculated soundboard or IEM that we do not already have is uploaded we may reconsider our position. By uncirculated I mean a show that several dozen people (if not more) are not already in possession of like SLC 01 was. Hopefully there are no further hassles with this upload and all is smooth going forward. Thanks to the Albany audience recording taper. Thanks to NS for his IEM recording.
CPTwister matrixing/remastering notes:
Both recordings have issues. The audience source was very distant and lacked a lot of high end. There is some stray audience clapping/talking but nothing too distracting. The IEM recording was recorded in mono with the volume to high causing it to be slightly overloaded or “hot” on the high end. This can still be heard in the matrix as there is not much you can do to alleviate it completely. The IEM was a very clean recording in that there were very few static bursts or flares. There are fades at the end of Stay and the beginning of Bad due to a disc change for the IEM recording; some music is lost as a result. Using Audio Lab 12, I matrixed the recordings to get them to sync up reasonably well. I put the IEM higher in the mix just because that’s how I personally prefer it. I brought up the bass slightly on both recordings. The second half of my IEM CDR seems to be a slightly lower volume, I tried to adjust it to make it the same as the first half, but the first half (up to Stay) still sounds a bit more overloaded or crisp, if that makes sense. That’s basically it; I did not add a lot or take away much. You can only do so much with the material you have to work with and I wasn’t going to waste a lot of time trying to fine tune this show. Combining the audience recording was the best option due to the overload on the IEM feed. Typically I do a layering matrixing technique when re mastering mono or single feed IEMs and an audience source is not necessary most of the time for my taste. The IEM brings out the details in Bono’s vocal and the instruments that were not as present in the audience recording and the audience recording helps alleviate some of the IEM overload and gives it a fuller sound. Overall I think it is a better listening experience combined. I could not find the audience taper info here or in my own records. If they are still out there and have a problem being part of this matrix please PM The Phog or myself.
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